Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello world.
Sorry for the lack of updates.
Am going to sit for my O's soon.
Honestly, I'm not prepared.
I don't even want to think or see the possible outcomes of failing.
Well, this is life.
I want to taste success.
I want to feel the joy and happiness.
I want to fuck my teachers up and show them my middle finger for
underestimating a cute+handsome boy like me. _|_
But am i trying? YES I AM.
i know i can do it.
I have negative thoughts, yes i do.
What if i fail? WHAT IF?
i don't even know what's install for me in the upcoming future.
but god gave me the chance to path and shape my own future.
can i do it? YES I CAN.
but WHAT IF?

Time Flies.


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