Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hi baby, I'm writing just to thank you for the date yesterday eventhough you wasn't feeling quite alright. Hee, I thank you for making the attempt to go for something you dont quite like but I do. Like Movies. I thank you for dinner and the time spent together. And no, don't say yesterday was prolly pretty boring for me. Because the truth is, I'll always look forward for the time together with you. I know I'll have have wherever it is or whatever we do, as long as it's with you. (;

You know sayang, you make me so happy and all full of laughters whenever I'm around you. (eventhough sayang, eventhough at times you can be such pain in the ass and make me merajuk sayang. but i know you'll come pick me back up again. heheheh.) I love the way you are and I definitely love the way we are now. Thanks, Sweetheart for believing in me again. You know i so well, we're gonna last a lifetime this time round. Insya'allah.

P.S: I thought the second way of asking was a little sweeter than the first. Hehehee, but I dont mind at all. As long as, I'm yours now. And for-ever will be. (;


Time Flies.


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